Under Utilized Tools/Resources #1

Many resources, especially web apps/sites used for OSINT come and go as I've mentioned before. However there is one resource I discovered a few years ago and still exists. It is a unique resource but still useful. It's useful for OSINT or just to monitor trends in blackhat circles, but rarely will you find something … Continue reading Under Utilized Tools/Resources #1

Best Tool for Pentesting Android Applications

This is just a love post for Drozer It is metasploit console-ish CLI framework to hack Android Applications. Attach this with Qark, Frida and Burp Suite and you're well on your way to having a good toolset to attack Android Apps. I'll make an upcoming post with a more complete list of tools I use … Continue reading Best Tool for Pentesting Android Applications

Best Android Apps for Pentesting and Hacking

There are many apps that run on Android so I'll probably make a few of these posts. That said, the first and best resource isn't actually one app but an overlay to the Android OS. This is Kali NetHunter. I suggest buying a play edition phone (bootloader unlocked and open to be rooted) then you … Continue reading Best Android Apps for Pentesting and Hacking